Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

I've never been a big fan of New Year's resolutions. Maybe it's the procrastinator in me, fear of failure or any number of reasons why I either don't make any or don't follow through with the ones I do come up with.

But as January 1st came this time around,I took the opportunity to reflect on where my life has led me this past year and the road I will take during the new year. Perhaps I am finally growing up and living more intentionally or just had a little too much free time on my hands while I was cooped up with winter weather and a head cold! No matter what the cause for my moments of self-examination, I have thought of how far I've come, how much road there is ahead and realized that I have the power within me to determine the journey between the two.

As I think of how I'd like to live my life throughout this next year, several words come to mind...(oddly, all begin with the same letter. Perhaps motherhood has finally sent me over the edge and my life has become an episode on PBS Kids...This year is brought to you by the letter "P". Ha!)

Back on a serious note...I have decided that my 2010 will be about:

Purpose, Perspective, Passion, Possibilities, Progress and Peace.

  • I will focus on the things and people that matter
  • I will keep a positive attitude
  • I will base actions and decisions on their importance in the "grand scheme of things": if it doesn'thave significant impact, I will let it go or say No
  • I will notice the little things
  • I will give my all
  • I will remain open to possibilities that arise in my life
  • I will strive for progress rather than perfection
It's my hope and desire that the above will all lead to peace.

I plan to be intentional, focus on what matters, strive to make a difference and improvements and live with peace and joy.

Blessings to you all for a healthy, happy new year!

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