Some years have found me conjuring up grand ideas for New Year's Resolutions. I made BIG plans which resulted in little results and ultimately feelings of failure and disappointment.Other years I didn't bother to make resolutions or even goals. It was if I just went along where life carried me without much thought as to where I was or was headed. Neither brought much in the way of accomplishment or joy in my life and left me longing for more.
Enter...One Word Three Sixty Five. I came across this concept and felt led to come up with my own word for the year. Immediately several came to mind and since I'm a bit of a "word nerd" it wasn't easy to select just one. But, after some deliberation I think I have settled on my theme for 2014: FOCUS.
Among others, I plan to:
Focus on setting goals and seeing them through...
Focus on following my dreams (no matter how far-fetched or out of reach they seem)...
Focus on my health...
Focus on being the wife and mother my little family deserves...
Focus on making my "house" a "home"...
My hope and prayer for this new year is that I can and will focus on what is important and let the rest blur into the background.
Love and blessings to you all as you begin 2014!
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