Emily's school held their annual spelling bee this past Friday. She was one of 9 third grade finalists to compete in the bee. So Friday afternoon, I did picked her up from school, my mom and I made dinner and had it ready when Ben got out of work. We all sat down and enjoyed a yummy, early dinner. Then Em got all beautiful in her dress and we all headed to the school around 6:30pm. We arrived at the school, she posed with the advertisement poster in the school lobby...
Each time our girl approached the microphone we were on the edge of our seats. We had total confidence that she could spell any word that would be given that night, but were hoping that nerves wouldn't get the best of her. As promised, I did not take any photos during the actual spelling bee. She requested that I not be distracting and make her nervous. As much as it pained me, I complied. As each of the 3rd graders who spelled the word incorrectly made their way off the stage to join their parents in the audience, I felt so sad for them, but hopeful and nervous for our girl. After numerous words, some stiff competition and some elimination the real contest was on! Em was in the final 2. Em was given a word...she got nervous and mis-spelled. OH, NO! So close to winning...she'd be devastated to make it that far and not win! But there's only 1 winner and we had talked prior to that night about the honor of just getting there at all. So...her competitor was given her word and spelling it correctly. Then he was given his own work..."budget"...if he spelled it correctly he was the champ. Oh, my poor girl! But, wait! He spelled it incorrectly! So my girl spelled it, "b-u-d-g-e-t" and was back in the running. Now she would get her new word and would need to spell it correctly to win. The suspense and the anxiety were so high we can't even remember the word she was given...but she did it! She spelled it and became the 3rd Grade Spelling Bee Champion! WOOHOO! Way to go girl!
Then we continued watching/listening from the edge of our seats as the 4th graders competed. The final two 4th graders went back and forth for quite some time before a winner emerged.
(Ben later commented that he never knew a spelling bee could be so exciting!) Well, the real excitement was yet to happen...keep reading!
Ribbons were distributed to ALL participants, the two champions received there plaques and their was a mini photo shoot! Here's my happy girl with her teacher...
At 8:30pm, just a mere 2 hours since we had left, we arrived home with our champion. Ben went in the house and Em and I were out talking to my mom. He came out and instructed us not to go upstairs...My reply..."ok. WHY?" I thought our canine pal must have done something. Thinking I'd set my things down and stay downstairs while he tended to the situation, I headed in the back door with Em behind me. We came through the back porch and approached the kitchen. It was then that Ben said, "DON"T COME IN!" I stopped, looked and there were swarms off bees around the light panels in the kitchen ceiling. Our house...most every room...was FULL of honey bees! YIKES!
Frantic & frazzled, Em and I vacated to my parents' house next door and I posted to FB from my cell about the situation. A friend replied with the advice to contact another, my dear friend Sarah of handbagsnpigtails whose husband is a bee keeper. So Ben spoke with him, removed a bunch of bees with a shop vac and Em & I had a sleepover at my parents' house.
Saturday, Eric made the trip with his gear to help rid us of our problem. Since we had bees a few years back that just mysteriously moved on before a "bee man" could come rid them, we thought must be we had some honeycomb or something in the wall that was invited more back.
In the process of finding out that the bees had decided not to take up residence after all, Ben ripped out our tub surround and knocked out a bathroom wall. So now we've got a bit of a construction zone. And thanks to the bees...I am in the process of getting a new wall, insulation, tub surround, and faucet. And plans are in the making for the long-overdue paint job, possible new flooring and lighting. Hopefully I will love the bathroom renovation but the bees won't and will not be enticed to come back!
Great post! Congratulations once again to the cutest spelling champion ever:)
ReplyDeleteAnd dont forget to take before, during and after pics of teh bathroom redo for your blog! We bloggers LOVE that sort of stuff. We're so nosy.
Love ya,