May has been a bit WILD around here. On the first we took a little day trip to the Audubon Center for the wildlife festival. It was a hot, sunny day and the drive up the side of the lake was just beautiful. Mid-way into our journey we spotted a young man and his horse team plowing the field. Of course I made hubby turn the car around, go back and pull alongside the road for me to get a photo! That's what crazy camera ladies do, isn't it? But often do you get to see this?

Once there we had a fabulous time checking out various displays, learning about birds of prey and seeing a few up close and personal, making cat tail paper and various other fun activities. The highlight for me was having our portraits taken with a bald eagle! Mine turned out amazing with the eagle and I turned and looking straight at each other. Here's my pal during the presentation. (I'll try to get my portrait scanned and posted soon!)

Once we left the center, we headed back down the lake and decided to find some dinner along the way. We stopped at a neat restaurant and were the very first customers of the season! We were seated out on the deck where we had an amazing view, delicious food and I enjoyed the company of my two dates. Here's me with one of them...

After our meal we took a moment to wander down to the flower garden where I encountered some gorgeous tulips. Again, camera lady couldn't help herself.

The setting sun over the lake was stunning...

It was great to just get away from it all, be together and somewhat without a schedule and just enjoy the day!
The rest of the month has continued on the wild side with hectic schedules and routine craziness. I have, however, made some time for a little bargain hunting where I found an incredible deal on some really WILD shoes...

I have a feeling (with heels that high) these will only be worn for tame events where I'll stay in my seat and off my feet!
Hope you're all doing well and having adventures of your own! And stay tuned for me to "buzz" back soon with a report about the exciting event we're attending tomorrow evening...

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