Sunday, November 14, 2010

Oh, Say Can You See

Growing up I was never fond of sports. I didn't like playing them (I HATED phys. ed. class) and watching them was just as bad! Not much has changed since I've grown up, but I do enjoy an ice hockey game every now and again.

Last evening, we had the pleasure of attending a game at the local arena. It was the BEST game I have ever been to. After a slow start, our home team came to back to eventually win the game. But what made the game so great was pre-game. My girl and a small group of her classmates sang the National Anthem. So proud of her for representing her school and in a sense, her country. 

She did an amazing job singing and especially in front of such a big crowd. Attendance at the game was around 4000 people. (Of those, 1000 were Girl Scouts as it was their special night to be at a game. I have NEVER seen so many Girl Scouts in one place! HA!!).

My attempt to videotape didn't turn out so well...the kids had their backs to me and the majority of the anthem was before the lights came just pay attention to the singing!

National Anthem from Gabrielle Erway on Vimeo.

Once the game started, Em returned to her seat to cheer on the team, wave her flag, consume her fair share of concession stand food (snow cone and soft pretzel) and get all excited every time her school name came up on the scroll of the score board.

"Grandma" and "Nana" both joined us and it was a great family evening and another proud parenting moment!

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