Here's a glimpse at my month of March:
- Had a night out with Ben and a group of folks from church. About 18 of us went to a local restaurant for dinner (bless our waitress!) and then on to a night of dessert/music at the church food pantry fund-raiser. Great time with great friends!
- A somewhat last-minute road trip to Binghamton, NY to see one of my favorite groups, Selah and the lead singer's lovely wife, Angie Smith (whose touching story I've been following for a couple years on her blog). Went with my dear friend and her husband and ran into an old MOPS friend (who happens to be my favorite handbag designer) and her husband. AMAZING evening of friendship, music and testimony. The real highlight was meeting the members of Selah and Angie. Love them all! Such sweet people!
Here I am with Todd and Angie Smith and my friend, Sarah.
- We welcomed a new dog into the house..."Geo" the geometric dog. Emily made him as her 3D shape project for the elementary school project fair. So cute! And he doesn't make noise, require food, need walks or need to be let out. The best kind of dog! (Don't get me wrong, I do love our real dog!)
- "Spring" has showed itself here and there and my flip-flops made an appearance.
- We've had outdoor playtime.
- I hosted lunch for a couple sweet girlfriends, we attended the elementary school carnival, I've been creating "gabbead blessings" jewelry and so much more.
And to top it all off...
- Em and I won her these awesome jeans from a blog giveaway hosted by Brassy Apple.

March has served as a beautiful reminder of all the blessings and special moments in my life amongst the chaos. I hope this post finds you all well and enjoying life!