Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Howdy, Partner!
Where's Waldo?
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Fun-Filled Weekend
She almost did some "Mutton Busting" aka sheep riding...they called for any interested children to come down and give it try. She immediately wanted to go so we went down...she was a bit confused about what it actually was. She thought that she was just going to have a nice "controlled" sheep ride like a kid's pony ride. When she saw the first boy go and fall off the sheep she had doubts in her mind. She later told us, "I said to myself...what was I thinking!?!" But, she decided she'd give it a go and was aboard the sheep in the pen, but HE decided not to go out the gate. Instead he went and hid in the corner giving her the perfect opportunity to rethink her decision and get off. We're proud of her for making an attempt and she says, "at least I got to hug a fluffy sheep".
After the show Em & Ben went on a couple rides and then she did a bunch of kid rides by herself. And of course we feasted on some good ole fair food...fried dough and fried oreos and took sugar waffles and a candy apple home with us.
Then, Saturday evening Em and I had a "girls night out" to the movies for Kit Kittredge: American Girl. I'm so glad I took Em to see it. It was fun spending some time together (just the 2 of us) and the movie was excellent.
What a fun weekend...just what we needed after a hectic week!
Christmas in July
For the next couple of days he anxiously awaited coming home from work to news that the "brown truck" had finally arrived with the package. As we opened the box of goodies we were like kids at July!
So now I've got a new read and we've both got some new tunes. And I must say that Third Day's "Revelation" is awesome!